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Inner Peace at Home

How to Create a Meditation Space
By Geneviève Samson

It can be done quickly and easily. In only an hour and a half, you can create your own little oasis of peace. Here are a few simple and eco-friendly suggestions.

When you are at peace with yourself, you have something to offer others.

Meditation is an inward journey that answers the question “Who am I?” A gradual response comes every day when you meditate, leaving you with a sense of relaxation, self-confidence, and compassion toward others.

Most people have difficulty finding time to relax and recharge. Unfortunately, when they don’t, they tend to make poor relaxation choices—they watch too much TV, eat less healthy foods, smoke, and suffer from chronic stress. Why not start by creating a place to meditate? An inviting place to relax daily and reconnect with your self. Much like a daily bathing ritual, daily meditation is a way to get in touch with one’s inner peace. And if at times it’s too hard to meditate, you’ll still enjoy a quiet spot in the house where you can sit comfortably.

Simplicity First
The goal is inner peace, calm, and serenity—so the day should begin with calm, peace, and simplicity. It all starts with a simple idea: “I want to make a place for myself.” First, ask yourself what you need in your life. Energy? Calm? Enthusiasm? A renewed sense of being in the right place?

A Treasure Hunt in Your Own Home
Bring together elements that are already found in your home and conducive to your goal. Here are some examples:

Calm. Surround yourself with photos of happy and quiet moments. You can also use special objects that represent peace for you.

Find a place in the house where you feel energized and where the light and space make you feel especially good.

Creativity, Flexibility. Don’t worry about problems you encounter (e.g., the place you like is in a common area of the house). Just let your imagination and creativity find solutions and stick to your original goal: “I want to make a place for myself.” The solutions will come to you.

Key Elements
Cleanliness. The place you choose should be clean, simple, and inviting.

Intimacy. Ideally, this place belongs to you alone. Be creative. You can easily close off an area just for you by using a screen or curtain.

A comfortable place to sit. This is a crucial decision in preparing a meditation space. Choose a thick cushion, chair, or couch that is neither too relaxing nor too uncomfortable. The seat is the departure point for the journey within. If you place a cushion on the floor, make sure it is high enough so that when you sit cross-legged your knees touch the floor.

A focal point.
Traditionally, a small low table or a shelf is placed in front of the seat.
Inspiration. Pleasing incense and inspiring images are elements you can place on your table. They help anchor your concentration and facilitate your meditation.

Orientation. Traditionally, one sits facing north or east for the best energy vibrations.

Meditation is not always easy.
Our thoughts can be so chaotic that at first we have difficulty finding the discipline to remain calm and meditate. For this reason, you should start at the beginning, which means creating a meditation space. It’s the first step in cultivating inner peace.

Recommended Reading
Ricard, Mathieu, The Art of Meditation, Atlantic Books, 2010.
Guided Meditation
Hay L. Louise, Morning and Evening Meditations (audio CD), AdA Audio, 2009.

A meditation class with Eckhart Tolle:

© G.Samson 2010