Each station of life offers you refueling options. These sources of life are multiple and infinite. They nourish the different dimensions of our being. They assist in the energy renewal necessary to accomplish your journey. Discover with us and within yourself these inexhaustible and often forgotten resources.

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Chronicles of an
Insperience Bathroom
By Élaine Drolet and Louis Gendreau

Dear friend,

It has already been quite some time (almost five years) since our last conversation. Time flies and I miss you. Our conversations have always inspired me to evolve and I am finally taking a moment to stop and talk with you. As you probably remember, there were three growing children at my side. I know that you understand how, for me, the family has always represented the most important part of personal growth and insight. I have cherished every moment shared with my children and crossed many thresholds. As I accompanied them in their discovery of the greatest and the most fragile aspects of themselves, I ended up finding myself. You knew me as a person who loved life, was filled with energy, and was always seeking new challenges. Are you ready to hear the latest?

I thought that I was beginning to regain my freedom. My children were getting closer and closer to leaving the nest.  But, at almost forty years of age, I learned that I was unexpectedly pregnant. We so often believe that we can plan our future. But, the present always reminds us that it is only possible to make choices in the here and now. I decided to give life to this wonderful little girl I named Rose. I call her my rebirth because that is what she represents. This event has allowed me to put many things in my life into perspective. Since I obviously had less physical energy, I had to slow down and reduce my activities. This enriching but sometimes difficult stage of my life brought me to a burn out three years later.

Last spring, I turned forty-three. It is not just my body that can’t keep up any longer but my head and my heart as well. It is as if I had to give meaning to all that defines my being. In a nutshell, I am actually a little lost. Who I was and what I did before Rose’s arrival is no longer appealing. I get dizzy with the thought of running off in all directions. However, I’m still seeking to ­reinvent myself. It is as if her arrival was the beginning of my own gestation period. I hope to give birth to myself but I don’t yet know how. You, who have always been so wise, talk to me. I need to hear your voice. Tell me how you are and send me your advice.
I hope to see you soon.

Yours truly, Élaine

Dear friend,

I recognized you from the very first words of your letter. I miss you too, Élaine. Your letter allows me to hear your voice just as I did five years ago through our conversations, our joys, and the sorrows we shared. Today, these experiences still nourish the authenticity of our friendship. What a pleasure it is to hear that you have given birth to a new child and that Rose helps you realize the distance you have traveled between the unique truth of your being and what you perceive today as the distant island where you have landed. 

Élaine, I truly believe that this activity that you want to stop will end on this island and, believe me; it is on this island that your inner voyage should begin. As you know, we feel harmony when we stop, when we accept who we are, what we have lived, and what we are living. When we give ourselves the opportunity to take this inner voyage, harmony sets in. It is wonderful that life and Rose allow you to see this opportunity. You know, your island is the starting line. What would you say to creating a starting line within yourself? To imagining and creating a place for you, where you could find tranquility, peace, and serenity?

I would love for you to tell me that this has inspired you.

Your letter filled me with joy. Please write to me again.

As for me, I am well. Nathalie and I are happy together and continue to embark on wonderful projects. The children are growing up and their love of life comforts me more and more every day.

I hope to hear from you soon. Hugs and kisses.

Your friend Louis

Dear Louis,

My precious friend Louis. How wonderful it is to have found you again. You are just as I remember you: so sensitive, deep, and full of life. Your words are as calming as a mother’s embrace rocking me and allowing me to dream. Whereas dreams occur while we sleep, you awaken me. This is not a dream but rather all that I have forgotten about my life, busy as I was trying to pursue life instead of living it. I can sense an island. It is huge and unknown and it is mine to discover. I can smell the clover and taste the salt air.

I see tall noble trees and wild flowers of every color.  I taste the salt air. I can hear a symphony of birds unknown to me. The warm soft sand caresses my feet. My body rejoices in these sensations. My heart is beating quickly, both restless and content. My thoughts are scattered and seem to disperse as if disappearing from my head in order to attain a level of clarity. Here, there is no confusion or division. All is one. You, my friend, who understand my deepest thoughts and whom I know well as so very creative, I invite you to come to my island to build a place of refuge in my very own home that I can call my own.

Construction has begun. I am awaiting your help. See you very soon.

Your friend Élaine

Dear Élaine,

I see that the sensitivity and the life force within you already allow you to live in this place. What you are experiencing fills me with joy and
I feel in complete harmony with you. Now the expression of the life force within you will enable you to create this place. This work in progress will take a lifetime to build and will be passed on to those you love through the life force emanating from you. Élaine, what are the objects and accessories that represent life, that are significant to you? What are the shapes, colors, and materials that inspire you to seek within yourself? What type of daily care allows you to live an experience from within? Tell me, how do you live in this space? What does it represent for you?

What you are living is wonderful!

See you soon.

Your friend Louis

My friend,

Here I am again. Your questions excite and stimulate my very being and my imagination. What you are proposing is that I define in the most authentic way, a place that resembles me. Here it is. Because I like intimacy as well as closeness, this place is not very large. However, it is mainly surrounded by windows because I am always seeking light. It is moderately warm. In its center, there is a bath into which I can plunge and travel back to my fondest memories. The objects in this space are made from fine materials (wood, stone, marble, and crystal) reminding me that I am connected to the earth by the same energy and I must respect it. Add to this such colors as earth red, ochre, and hints of orange. Since I am a free spirit and often feel ready to fly away, it is important for me to be grounded. The textures are natural (silk, linen, and bamboo) which respond to my need for simplicity and sophistication. The aromas evolve depending on my state of mind. They either reach my deepest thoughts or give them a sense of balance when I feel troubled inside. Obviously, there is music that serves the same purpose. All elements are smooth, stylized and fluid: I am allergic to rigidity. And finally, depending on the time of day, I create rituals that meet my different needs. I feel complete, respected, honored and at one with life in this space I call mine.

It is truly incredible to imagine becoming a human being that is fulfilled and alive in every dimension whether physical, mental, emotional, or energetic. Now, I simply have to create this project. See you soon my friend. In six months, you will know the results. I will tell you then how
I finally started my Insperience Bathroom.

Thank you for being there. You are good for me. May peace be with you.
